Faster to the destination

We deliver Content from all major sports brands

We are able to convert the data supplied by the manufacturer in a wide variety of forms and output the required details in your systems again. In this way, we offer uniform product data management for all dealers.

This is how it works


Order goods

Then do not hesitate and contact us. We can answer your questions and give you a detailed insight. We are looking forward to meeting you.


Upload order data
After ordering, upload your EAN-based order data to and we'll take it from there.


Get content
As soon as the corresponding product data is supplied by the manufacturer, you will receive the required data directly from us.
Automatic integration
The data can be played out via an interface directly in the respective merchandise management or in the common store systems. Alternatively, we provide you with the data as a classic download.
> 0
Satisfied dealers
> 0
> 0 Mio
EAN delivered
> 0 Mio
Images delivered
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